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Bakery Equipments

May 22nd, 2023 at 16:26   Services   Cochin   64 views Reference: 438

Location: Cochin

Price: ₹99,000

The purpose of a spiral dough mixer machine is to mix and knead dough for bread, pizza, and other baked goods. This machine is commonly used in commercial kitchens such as bakeries, pizzerias, and restaurants. The mixer uses a spiral mixing hook that rotates and kneads the dough in a spiral motion, which ensures that the dough is mixed thoroughly and evenly. The machine also has a bowl that rotates in the opposite direction, which helps to incorporate all the ingredients into the dough. The spiral dough mixer machine is available in different sizes and capacities, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. It is an essential tool for businesses that need to mix and knead large quantities of dough quickly and efficiently.